Build Expand Conquer


CivTowny is a large-scale Minecraft Towny server where empires rise and fall, nations wage wars for dominance, and players engage in expansionist strategies, economic supremacy, and political alliances to shape a dynamic, player-driven world.


The Rules

#1 Cyber Bullying
Not allowed whatsover. Please record and capture any bullying that is happening on the server or on discord and report to complaints ticket on discord.
#2 Scamming
Not allowed. If you made a deal, stick with it. You should screen record all verbal and physical transactions and, if scammed, send them to us for proof. If there's no proof or documentation of anything, there's nothing we can do.
#3 Griefing
Not allowed if done as a way of cyber bullying or trolling within a town. Respect other people's builds especially if they trusted you into there town. Use the debug stick to find out who griefed you and report to staff. We may or may not be able to rollback. Make sure you build on plots that you own with trusted members.
#4 War Griefing
Griefing in overclaimed land taken over in a war is allowed since the land is no longer yours 😬
#5 Stealing
Allowed. Make sure you have your chests inside plots that you own with players that you trust! You may create a secret base using Town Camps to store your items.
#6 Hacking
Immideate Permanent ban - Please record and report hackers for a 100g award.
#7 Duplicating
Permanent ban - Record for 100g award.
#8 Lag Machines
If done on purpose to crash the server is a permanent ban - Record for 100g award.
#9 X-Ray
Is allowed!
#10 Doxing
Exposing a player's face or home address on any discord having to do with this server is a permanent ban.
#11 VPN
Won't allow you to enter the server. To keep permenent ban players out.
#12 Advertising / Spamming
Not allowed. It will result in ban.
#13 English
The official language of the server. Please talk in other languages inside nation or town chats.
#14 Admin Abuse
Any moderators or staff abusing there power, cheating, or harassing players will be removed. Please report admin abuse to owner for 100g award and proof.
#15 18+ Content
Posting 18+ content on discord, or map art, player skin, on general chat is not allowed.
Players will receive a few warnings before temporary bans (1-14 day suspensions) Then soon permanent ban if they become too problematic to players. Bans can be appealed once, but most are final 🤷Please report to complaints board on discord with proof. It may take up to 72 hours to respond.


The server's official currency is gold. You will purchase items, grow your civilization, and trade in gold. Second currency is emeralds, which only can be traded with villagers. Third currency is war tokens needed for wars.
How To Make Money
(Easiest to Hardest)
Voting: Earn 30g - a Day!
Killing Mobs: Some mobs drop gold.
Mining: Gold ores can be found underground.
Real Estate: Build homes or apartments and sell them.
Chest Shop: Sell anything to other players.
Attraction: Build an attraction to pay for in your town
PVP: Steal 15g from players you kill.
Towny Costs
Starting Town: 1g to start new town
Expansion: 2g per chunk
Overclaim: 25g per chunk
Start Nation: 5000g to start new nation
Change Home Chunk: 100g
Change Town Name: 50g
War Tokens
Every town automatically receives 1 token per day. Use tokens to declare war.
Nation vs Town War: 30 Tokens
Independence War: 30 Tokens

CivTowny World

This server has different world schematics then normal. 🌐
Less Ores: Ores are available between Y20 - Y50. On average four viens total per chunk near the surface, different in each biome. X-Raying is ALLOWED. Less time mining and more focus on expanding, PVP, and building.Disabled Dimensions: Nether and End Dimensions are turned off.More Chaotic Mobs: All mobs from different biomes, nether and end dimensions roam the wilderness at night. Nights are chaotic and very difficult to survive. Mobs drop ores and blocks from all dimensions and biomes for players to gather. Since players can only extract resources within town claims, this will allow players to still have access blocks not in there territory.More Scarcity: Towns will fight over strategic areas on the map. Tree types only grow in home biomes. Crops only grow on river biomes. Both grow 5x slower.Dynamic Villager Trade: Villagers cannot reproduce. Must find zombie villagers and cure them. Use gold and emeralds to trade.Spawners: About 100 spawners exsist throughout the server. They cannot be broken. You have to claim them under your town territory to use them. Build a mob farm around it and drop resources automatically.Map Expansion: The World map doesn't reset like on other servers. We just expand the world border with every new major update for new lands to conquer. All builds are here to stay!

Last Tips

The server went live to the public on April 1st, 2025 and is still in BETA testing mode. Some commands or features may not work properly and gameplay may change over time. Please be patient and report any bugs or suggestions to make the server better in our discord channel.
Joining a Town
We suggest joining a town first if you are unfamiliar with the towny plugin. You will receive invites as a newbie. Please join our discord server and look through the directory of civilizations that most interest you.
Creating a Town
If you decide to immideatley create your own town. Please read the Towny and War Guides on the home page before starting. All commands, explanations, and more rules to follow as a town mayor is on there.
Creating a Camp
If your not ready to join a town or create your own, there's a third option. With towny camps you can find a spot you like and place a campfire down. You will receive temporary plot ownership over that chunk for 30 days. You must replace the campfire every 30 days to keep it.
Every player has 4 teleportations:
1.) /town spawn to teleport to your town home chunk
2.) /n spawn to teleport to your nation home chunk
3.) /res spawn teleport to your bed
4.) Up to x10 /sethomes can only be done inside a plot that you own. To stimulate a real estate market players must travel to a city, purchase a plot, being an apartment or a home and do "/sethome (number)" example: "sethome 5" out of 10. You also need to be in a plot that you own to teleport to another home. You can't do /home from anywhere.
Teleportation to other nations or towns is disabled on this server.48 Hours Shield
All newbies have a 48 hour forcefield starting now. Use this opportunity to travel far out and create your base.
Good Luck!

To leave the newbie box say:
"/warp spawn" to teleport out

Towny Guide

Here are videos to help with Towny Commands

All Commands

> "/towny"- Shows basic Towny commands.
> "/towny ?" – Shows more Towny commands.
> "/towny map" – Shows the Towny map.
> "/towny prices" – Shows taxes/costs associated with running a town.
> "/towny time" – Shows time until next new-day (tax/upkeep collection.)
> "/towny top residents (all/town/nation) – Shows top residents.
> "/towny top land" (all/resident/town) – Shows top land owners.
> "/plot" - Shows the /plot commands.
> "/plot ?" – Shows more plot commands.
> "/plot claim" – Resident command to claims a plot
> "/plot claim auto" – claim plots that are for sale
> "/plot unclaim" – Resident command to unclaim personally owned plots.
> "/plot forsale (price)" or "/plot fs (price)" – Set a plot for sale.
> "/plot notforsale" or "/plot nfs" – Set a plot to not be for sale.
> "/plot set reset" – Sets a shop/embassy/arena/wilds plot back to a normal plot.
> "/plot set shop" – Sets a plot to a shop plot.
> "/plot set embassy" – Sets a plot to an embassy plot.
> "/plot set arena" – Sets a plot to an arena plot.
> "/plot set wilds" – Sets a plot to a wilds plot.
> "/plot set inn" – Set a plot to an inn plot.
> "/plot set name" – allows a mayor or plot-owner to rename plots they own, overwriting the ~Unowned message.
> "/plot perm" – Shows the permission of the plot that the player is standing on.
> "/plot perm" – Displays the current permissions for the plot you are standing on.
> "/plot set perm (resident/ally/outsider) (on/off)" – Enables or disables all permissions for a specific group.
> "/plot set perm (build/destroy/switch/itemuse) (on/off)" – Toggles specific permissions for everyone.
> "/plot set perm (resident/ally/outsider) (build/destroy/switch/itemuse) (on/off)" – Customizes specific permissions for different groups.
> "/plot set perm reset" – Resets the plot’s permissions to default.
> "/plot toggle fire" – Enables or disables fire spread in the plot. Fire spread may be globally disabled by the server.
> "/plot toggle pvp" – Toggles PvP combat on or off for the plot.
> "/plot toggle explosion" – Enables or disables explosions from TNT or creepers.
> "/plot toggle mob" – Allows or prevents hostile mob spawning in the plot.
> "/plot trust add (player name)" – A quick way to add build/destroy to one player for a plot of land you own.
> == /plot trust remove (player name)"== – Remove the player you trusted off your plot.
> "/resident" - Shows a player's resident screen.
> "/resident ?" – Shows /res commands available.
> "/resident (player name)" – Shows a player another player’s resident screen.
> "/resident friend add (player name)" – Resident adds online player to their friends list.
> "/resident friend add+ (player name)" – Resident adds offline player to their friends list.
> "/resident friend remove (player name)" – Resident removes online player from their friends list.
> "/resident friend remove+ (player name)" – Resident removes offline player from their friends list.
> "/resident friend clearlist" – Removes all friends from a resident’s friend list.
> "/resdient toggle map" – Turns on map which refreshes when moving across plot borders.
> "/resident toggle townclaim" – Turns on mode where /town claim is automatically used when moving across plot borders.
> "/resident toggle plotborder" – Turns on smokey plot-border view. Border shows when players cross to different townblocks.
> "/resident toggle reset" – This turns off all modes that are active.
> "/resident set perm (friend/ally/outsider) (build/destroy/switch/itemuse) (on/off)" - Set permissions for who is allowed to do what in every single plot that you own.
> "/resident set perm reset – This takes the perm line seen in the /resident screen and applies it to all plots personally owned by the player typing it.
> "/town" Shows a player their town screen.
> "/town ?" – Shows /town commands available.
> "/town here" – Shows you the town screen of the town in which you stand.
> "/town leave" – Leaves a town.
> "/town list (page #)" – Lists towns.
> "/town plots (townname)" – Shows a helpful list of plots and their types/revenue which are owned by the town.
> "/town new (townname)" – Creates new town.
> "/town delete" - Deletes your town
> "/town add (player name)" – Mayor command to add residents to your town.
> "/town kick (player name)" – Mayor command to remove residents from your town.
> "/town spawn" – Teleports you to your town’s spawn.
> "/town spawn (town)" – Teleports you to another town’s spawn. This is disabled on this server. You can only teleport to your town spawn.
> "/town claim" – claims the townblock in which you are standing on
> "/town claim outpost" – Claims an outpost for your town.
> "/town claim (# (radius around current position))" – Claims an area of townblocks around you
> "/town claim auto" – Claims as many townblocks around you as is possible given Money in townbank and available townblocks.
> "/town unclaim" – Mayor command to unclaim the townblock in which you stand.
> "/town unclaim (# (radius around current position))" – Command to unclaim an area of townblocks around you.
> "/town withdraw ($)" – Removes money from town bank.
> "/town deposit ($)" – Adds money from player to the town bank.
> "/town ranklist" – Displays residents and their ranks.
> "/town rank (add|remove) (playername) (rankname)" – Grants or removes a rank to a resident of the town.
> "/town reslist" – See a full list of residents in your town.
> "/town set board (message)" – Sets message seen by residents upon logging in.
> "/town set mayor (resident)" – Mayor command to give mayor status to another resident.
> "/town set homeblock" – Sets the homeblock and spawn of your town.
> "/town set spawn" – Sets the town spawn, must be done inside the homeblock.
> "/town set name (name)" – Change your town’s name.
> "/town set perm (resident/ally/outsider) (on/off)"
> "/town set perm (resident/ally/outsider) (build/destroy/switch/itemuse) (on/off)" - Set permissions for who is allowed to do what inside the entire town land claims.
> "/town set perm reset" – This takes the perm line seen in the /town screen and applies it to all plots owned by the town.
> "/town toggle mobs" – Turn on/off hostile mob spawning in town.
> "/town toggle public" – Turn on/off the co-ordinates of the town’s homeblock in the /town screen.
> "/town toggle pvp" – Turn on/off pvp in town.
> "/nation ?" – Shows /nation commands.
> "/nation list {page #}" – Lists Nations.
> "/nation online" – Shows players in your nation which are online.
> "/nation" – Shows a player the
> "/nation (nation name)" - Shows screen of another nation.
> "/nation leave" – Mayor command to leave the nation they are a part of.
> "/nation withdraw {$}" – King command to remove money from the nation bank.
> "/nation deposit {$}" – King command to add money to the nation bank.
> "/nation new (nation name)" – Mayor command to create a nation.
> "/nation add (town)" – Invites/Adds a town to your nation.
> "/nation kick (town)" – Removes a town from your nation.
> "/nation delete" – Deletes your nation.
> "/nation ally add (nation)" – Add a nation to your nation’s ally list.
> "/nation ally remove (nation)" – Removes a nation from your nation’s ally list.
> "/nation enemy add (nation)" – Add a nation to your nation’s enemy list.
> "/nation enemy remove (nation)" – Removes a nation from your nation’s enemy list.
> "/nation rank {add|remove} {playername} {rankname}" – Grants or removes a rank to a resident of the nation.
> "/nation set king {resident}" – King command to change the king of the nation. Remove yourself as king.
> "/nation set capital {town}" – Sets the capitol and king of the nation. Remove yourself as king and set mayor of new capital as king.
> "/nation set name {name}" – Sets the nation’s name.

Rules for towns

1.) No Claim Arms
All towns must grow organically outwards. Any unnatural claims that are 1-3 chunks wide and long jutting out of your main territory, either to claim a certain biome or natural resource or to block another town from claiming nearby, is not allowed. Staff will unclaim it.
2.) Traps
Traps for defensive purposes are allowed on your territory's outer walls. But tricking visiting players or new players you invited into your town to fall and die in one is not allowed. Please report these incidents to staff on discord.
3.) Blocking Rivers
Rivers play a crucial role in transportation across CivTowny. If a river is entirely within your town’s claims and does not serve as a major trade route, you have full control over its use. However, if a river runs between multiple civilizations , serves as a connection between two oceans via an isthmus, or is needed by upstream towns for access to the ocean, it could become a classified international waterway. In such cases, the city may be asked to reopen the river or construct a canal to ensure continued accessibility with gold compensation. River cannot be narrowed, and the bridges above the river must be a minimum of 5 blocks tall along the entire width of the international waterway. If the request is denied, staff may use eminent domain to roll back the river to its original state in extreme cases.
4.) Island Claiming
All towns are permitted a four-chunk allowance for claiming ocean biomes. Island claims are allowed if the island is within 1,000 blocks of any other territory owned by your town. To reach an island, you have to claim the land in front of you and then unclaim the chunk behind you as you progress. However, islands that are too far from your existing territory cannot be claimed. If a claim is deemed excessive or disconnected, staff can unclaim it.
5.) Contiguous Landmass
All town claims must be a contiguous landmass as possible. Claiming land without it being connected to another landmass far away is not allowed. Staff will unclaim chunks of land far away.
6.) Town Names
Any town name, regardless of how ridiculous it is or whether it is based on real-world locations, is allowed as long as it's not offensive to other players.
7.) Building Roads in Wilderness
Since the wilderness is unbuildable, a claim arm from one town to another at maximum 2000 blocks away to build a road, minecart rail, or ice track, and then unclaimed is allowed. Make sure your routes are lit up, or else mobs will spawn on them at night.
8.) Validating Claims
Towns must actively utilize all claimed territory. To validate claims, towns should develop infrastructure such as roads, railways, small settlements, houses, or farms. If a town claims excessive land—such as 10,000 chunks in a crowded area of the world—with 90% of it being empty territory, staff may give 30 days to validate claims or face town reduction.
9.) Automated Farms
To ensure the server runs smoothly, restrictions are already in place on the number of animals, pistons, hoppers, and other redstone blocks allowed per chunk. We ask players to avoid building excessively large automated farms that could cause lag. If a specific area is found to be negatively impacting server performance, staff may roll back the affected chunks to maintain stability.
10.) Toll Roads
International rivers must always be free for players. But player built highways, ice track, or rails are allowed to have tolls or fees. 1g is the maximum per town it goes through. This can be done using a trap chest shop, x25 repeaters used as timers, and pistons to open a doorway, must be open for at least 10 seconds to let the player through.
11.) River Farming
Crops can only be grown on river biomes. If a river is an international waterway, then crops can only be grown on the banks of the river edge, The River width CANNOT be narrowed. Crops can be grown in a building above the river, as long as it's 5 blocks above the water.
Scroll further down for the nation rules, and go to war tab on home page for overlclaim and war plugin commands and rules.

Mayor Tips

1.) Settle Far Away
Settle your town as far away from the center of the world as possible so you can have room to expand, less conflicts, and wars.
2.) Settle Near Preferred Biome and Rivers
It is advised to settle on the borders of different biomes to take full advantage of them, and the home chunk should sit on a river edge for transportation and food production.
2.) Stay Small
All towns have a starting land claim balance of 5000. To be 100% protected from all wars and having your land stolen, stay under 5000.
3.) Be Aware of Overlcaim
If you decide to go over 5000 land claims, all your important builds should be as far away as possible from the wilderness. Every additional player that joins your town gives you +1000 additional allowance to 5000 base. If you manage to invite 3 players and expand to 8000 claims, if two of them decide to leave, you now have 8000/6000 overclaim. A bordering town could steal chunks of land from you. While it's a slow and expensive process of one chunk every 30 minutes, griefing is allowed in all territories stolen.
4.) Protect Builds
Explosions caused by mobs are ON inside town claims and they dont dissapear when entering. Protect your prized and expensive buildings by constructing them in the center of your town claims, away from the wilderness.
5.) Joining Contests
You may earn free bonus land claims by entering into monthly building contests. The server owner will choose the top nominees, and players will do rank voting on all of them. 1st place is 1000 bonus claims. 2nd place is 500 bonus claims. 3rd place is 250 bonus claims. The rest of the nominees have 100 bonus claims each.
5.) Joining Contests